Tanzania 2017

Hope of the World Ministry

Dear Brothers and Sisters - Myself and Mary have just returned from Tanzania where over the past two years we have been carrying the Gospel to the totally un-reached villages of the Masai tribe. Now on past trips we have seen entire villages come to Christ and 100’s saved along with several churches planted.

On our first day of ministry we went back into the remote villages. In the first village we found about 12 people. They told us they had never heard the name of Jesus before. After sharing the Gospel with them, they all knelt down and came to Christ. Then one of the women said the most amazing thing:

“Just 2 days ago we came together and prayed to the God we knew nothing of. We asked Him to send someone to us to tell us about Him and what His Name is. And today–from nowhere you came to us!” This is the way we have worked for years–not knowing where we are going but ending up where we were needed to be...

Just a couple of nobodies from nowhere being led by the Spirit of God.

Now I am thrilled to tell you that because of the faithful giving of our partners, just before this trip, we were able to construct a new church building for one of the churches we planted on past trips-and we provided a motorcycle for the pastor of that church enabling him to evangelize the areas around it!

And Praise the Lord! on this trip we opened, dedicated and held a 3 day teaching seminar in that church! And folks—what a time we had there! On the first day the church was filled from front to back with Masai from the surrounding villages—most had never heard the Gospel before. Mary and me both preached about the love of God and by the end of the day we witnessed over 100 kneeling down and accepting Christ into their hearts!

The next day the church was full again. Now these people really have no idea of what sin is so we taught on the holiness of God, the fruits of the flesh and the fruits of the Spirit. Amazing that there are those in this world who cannot relate to the concept of sin—over and over in the villages we have asked—do you know what sin is and they always answer –No! Now once again by the end of the day more had come to Christ.

Then on the third day we taught on the Spirit of God and our great need to be filled with Him. As they stood up and began to worship the sound of their cries filled the room and the presence of God came in like a mighty wind. So many were touched by the Spirit! Some cried out as demons began to manifest but were delivered as we prayed for them! Oh the power of the Spirit of God!

Not by power or nor by might but by My Spirit says the Lord! 

Now as the seminars came to an end, we knew that a church had truly been established in this dark and demonic place.

We spent our next days in the villages. Over and over Mary asked them: Have you ever heard of Jesus– with the same answer coming forth: NO! We preached the Gospel to the totally un-reached and entire villages came into the Kingdom of God! And by the end of this trip we had witnessed 167 lost souls that we will now be spending eternity with in Heaven—singing the praises to Jesus! —

One of the men who came forward for salvation at the church could not kneel because of a deformity in his right leg and knee—in fact he stood on one foot in the middle of all those kneeling—could not put any weight on the leg. After they all—over 100! - received Christwe began lay hands on them  praying  blessings over them. When I came to him we prayed the prayer of faith as we laid hands on his leg

He said this: “When the man of God laid hands on me I felt something happen in my leg. This morning all the pain was gone and I can walk and kneel with no problem! - God has healed me!” He demonstrated to us by squatting repeatedly and running back and forth! Then he said—today I will walk on my own to the Masai market -(several miles away) - 

“I have never been able to do that before!"


The church the ministry  built by the grace of God and the sacrificial giving of our partners! 

 It is in the middle of the bush of Tanzania.

 Believe it or not –we can put almost 400 people inside of it for a service!

It will serve a twofold purpose—as a place of worship as well as an elementary school for the children of this area.

These kids will finally have a chance to receive an education! 

Mary preaching in the remote villages...

 In each one of them she asked: “Have you ever heard the name of Jesus before?”  “Do you know what sin is?”

Same answer everywhere we go: NO!

Completely un-reached with the Gospel of Christ— Planting the cross and bringing light into total darkness!

This old Masai "coco" -grandmother- came to Christ as Mary preached the Gospel in our meetings!

She was so touched that she took her own necklace off her neck and placed it on Mary's neck - hugging her and kissing her over and over. 

Folks this is why we come- lives are being changed forever because of the word of God!

We are so honored to do this– And so grateful for your support! -- You are making a difference in eternity!

167 New Souls into the Kingdom!

Praise Report!

 ·         I am so happy to tell you that because of the faithful giving of our partners we have been able to provide another motorcycle for a pastor! This one is for the pastor of the church we just constructed in Tanzania! It will enable him to reach the surrounding area with the Gospel and provide an ongoing growth to that church!

·         And I am thrilled once again to let you know that we are in the process of constructing our 2nd church building in Tanzania year!

Firmly establishing another church in this area!

Thank you, Thank you! – for your faithfulness to help us fulfill the vision the Lord has given us!