

Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam are the major religions. The people in many of these countries worship 33.5 million gods and goddesses. On the average, only about 2% are Christians and as of today only about 20% of the villages in much of Asia have ever been reached with the Gospel of Christ. Many Christians still suffer persecution throughout Asia. But by the grace of God – Hope of the World has been able to:

1. Preach in villages, city crusades, and local churches – reaching thousands of Hindu, Buddhist and Muslim people with the Gospel of Christ.

2. Hold Pastors and church leader seminars – hundreds have attended.

3. Pray for the sick – seeing by the grace of God so many miracles of healing.

4. Actively involved in church planting -- through our evangelistic efforts many churches have been planted in remote and un-reached areas of Asia.

5. Provide all kinds of logistical support to the native ministries we work with-- shining the light of Jesus and promoting the growth of the Kingdom.

6. Construct several church buildings